Why Do Cats Groom Each Other: What It Means?

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If you’ve ever had more than one cat, you’ve probably noticed that they groom each other from time to time. They spend a good deal of their day grooming themselves, and sometimes they even groom their humans. But why do cats groom each other? Is it just a way for them to keep clean, or is there more to it than that?

Let’s take a closer look at this feline behavior.

Cats Grooming Each Other

Did you know that cats groom each other as a sign of affection? It’s true! When cats groom each other, it’s called allogrooming. Allogrooming is when one cat licks or bites another cat’s fur in order to clean them. While this behavior may seem strange to us humans, it’s perfectly normal for cats. In fact, there are a lot of reasons why cats groom each other. Let’s take a closer look.

There are a few different reasons why cats groom each other.

Reason #1:To Show Affection

One of the most common reasons why cats groom each other is to show affection. When cats share their grooming habits with another cat, it’s a way of saying “I like you” or “I care about you.” Much like how we might show our love for another person by cooking for them or giving them a hug, cats show their affection through allogrooming.

Reason #2: To Bond With Each Other

In addition to showing affection, allogrooming also helps cats bond with each other. When cats groom each other, they’re reinforcing their social bond and creating a stronger connection with one another. When cats share grooming duties, it helps create a sense of trust and companionship between them. So next time you see your two kitties sharing a grooming session, know that they’re just strengthening their friendship!

Reason #3: To Keep Each Other Clean

Of course, another reason why cats groom each other is to keep each other clean. Just like how we take showers and brush our teeth to stay clean and healthy, cats use allogrooming as a way to remove any dirt, dust, or parasites from their fur. This is especially important for long-haired cats, who can’t reach all of their fur with their tongues when they groom themselves. Not to mention, it feels pretty good too! A good grooming session can help reduce stress and make a cat feel relaxed and comfortable.

Reason #4: To Mark Their Territory

Cats also use grooming as a way to mark their territory. When they groom another cat, they’re leaving behind their scent, which serves as a sort of “marker” that says, “This is my friend.” This is why you’ll often see cats grooming each other after they’ve been separated for a while—it’s their way of reaffirming their friendship.

When a cat licks itself, it’s actually releasing its own scent onto its fur. This scent helps other animals identify the cat as an individual and lets them know that this is the cat’s territory. By regularly grooming, a cat is essentially saying “this is my space – stay away!”

Why do cats groom each other and then fight?

There are a few reasons why cats may groom each other and then fight. One reason could be that the cat who was being groomed feels uncomfortable or threatened and reacts by fighting back.

Another possibility is that the two cats are simply not compatible and they’re exacerbated by their mutual grooming. In any case, if your cats are constantly fighting after grooming each other, it’s best to consult with a veterinarian or behaviorist to find out the root of the problem and how to resolve it.

What does it mean when a cat licks another cat’s head?

There are a few reasons why cats may lick each other’s heads. One reason could be that the cat who is being licked feels comfortable or trusting of the cat doing the licking. Another possibility is that the two cats are simply showing affection toward each other.

Do cats groom for dominance?

Yes, some cats groom for dominance. For example, if a cat licks another cat’s face, it is usually considered to be a dominant act. Cats also commonly groom themselves as a way to assert their dominance over other cats. If a cat grooms itself excessively, it may be trying to communicate its dominance to other cats in the area.


So there you have it—a few of the reasons why cats groom each other. Next time you see your cats sharing a grooming session, don’t be alarmed! They’re just showing their love (and maybe getting rid of a few pesky parasites). You’ll know that it’s not just about keeping clean—it’s also about bonding and marking their territory.

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